Former gay dating show

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Marlon identified as having bisexual tendencies in the course of the series, later publicly moved away from so identifying, before coming out as bisexual on The Challenge.Īrielle and Ashley are ex-girlfriends brought together for a season dubbed 'Real World: Ex-plosion'.Ī trans woman who appeared in the reality series. Pedro Zamora dated Sean Sasser on the show and the two exchanged vows in an on-air commitment ceremony.ĭespite a confrontation with a castmate ending with him being called a homosexual, Williams (Seattle) did not come out until a subsequent reunion special. Norman dated Charles Perez on-camera, which had the effect of outing Perez. While most gay, lesbian and bisexual cast members' sexuality were discussed or shown on the program.Ĭoral did not come out of the closet (as having a fluid sexuality) until years after her season had ended. Late teens and 20-somethings living together, some LGBT roommates.

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Preston Robertson James (New Orleans (2010))

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'Judge' Julian Clary hears cases of disputes between friends and neighbors.

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